(413) 287-8065 clientcareteam@rovihomes.com
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"Beyond Real Estate with Service and Expertise!"

“If I weren't so darn good at my job, I'd probably be...”

- Broke I guess...

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- With my son/family, boating, enjoying the beach, kayaking, & all the fun stuff that this job allows me to do!

“The best piece of advice I've ever been given is...”

- "Always look for solutions and opportunity because the worse thing we can have is a closed mind."

“My favorite season is...”

- Summer

“Favorite binge-worthy TV Show, Book, Series?”

- Blacklist, Suits, & The Chosen

“If I were a superhero, my superpower would be...”

- Mind Reading

“My favorite part of being a Real Estate professional is...”

- Being the consultant to my clients to make sure they get the best outcome!


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CONTACT Alex Girichq